Θωμάς Λάγκας
Προς φοιτητές που ενδιαφέρονται για πτυχιακή εργασία
Όσοι φοιτητές ενδιαφέρονται για ανάληψη πτυχιακής εργασίας μαζί μου, να μου στείλουν e-mail (tlagkas@cs.ihu.gr) για να κάνουν ένα online τεστ δεξιοτήτων στη συγκεκριμένη γνωσιακή περιοχή.
Δρ. Θωμάς Δ. Λάγκας
Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος
Γραφείο: ΕΧ Β 14, Πανεπιστημιούπολη Καβάλας
Τηλέφωνο: 2510 462263
Email: tlagkas@cs.ihu.gr / tlagkas@ieee.org
Skype: thomas.lagkas
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thomas_Lagkas
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-lagkas-39484a18/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5HH0t7EAAAAJ&hl=el
Βιογραφικές Πληροφορίες
Ο Θωμάς Δ. Λάγκας είναι Επίκουρος Καθηγητής του Τμήματος Πληροφορικής του Διεθνούς Πανεπιστημίου της Ελλάδος και Διευθυντής του Εργαστηρίου Βιομηχανικών και Εκπαιδευτικών Ενσωματωμένων Συστημάτων. Υπήρξε Λέκτορας και κατόπιν Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (Senior Lecturer) του Τμήματος Πληροφορικής του Διεθνούς Τμήματος του Πανεπιστημίου του Σέφιλντ από το 2012 έως το 2019. Διετέλεσε Τμηματικός Διευθυντής Έρευνας και Υπεύθυνος του τομέα ΤΠΕ του ερευνητικού κέντρου SEERC. Έχει επίσης διατελέσει Λέκτορας βάσει ΠΔ 407/80 στο Τμήμα Μηχανικών Πληροφορικής και Τηλεπικοινωνιών του Πανεπιστημίου Δυτικής Μακεδονίας από το 2007 έως το 2013. Ακόμη, υπήρξε Εργαστηριακός και κατόπιν Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης του ΤΕΙ Θεσσαλονίκης από το 2004 έως το 2012. Από το 2000 έως το 2006, εργάστηκε παράλληλα ως Προγραμματιστής αναλαμβάνοντας σχετικά έργα μέσω της ατομικής του εταιρείας.
Διδακτική Εμπειρία - Συνολικά, ο Θωμάς Δ. Λάγκας διαθέτει περισσότερα από 17 έτη (αυτοδύναμη) διδακτική εμπειρία, παραδίδοντας πολυάριθμα μαθήματα ΤΠΕ, εστιάζοντας στις ευρύτερες περιοχές των δικτύων υπολογιστών και των μαθηματικών.
Το 2002, έλαβε με άριστα το πτυχίο του Τμήματος Πληροφορικής ΑΠΘ, καθώς και Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα στα Ασύρματα Δίκτυα από το ίδιο Τμήμα το 2006. Υπήρξε υπότροφος της Επιτροπής Ερευνών του ΑΠΘ καθώς και μεταδιδακτορικός υπότροφος του ΙΚΥ. Το 2012 έλαβε μεταπτυχιακό δίπλωμα ΜΒΑ από το ΕΑΠ, καθώς και πιστοποιητικό μεταπτυχιακής εκπαίδευσης στον τομέα της Μάθησης και Διδασκαλίας από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Σέφιλντ το 2017.
Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα
Ο Θωμάς Δ. Λάγκας συμπεριλαμβάνεται στη λίστα του Πανεπιστημίου του Στάνφορντ με το κορυφαίο 2% των επιστημόνων παγκοσμίως το έτος 2022.
Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα κινούνται στον ευρύτερο χώρο των ΙοΤ επικοινωνιών, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας κατανεμημένες αρχιτεκτονικές, ασφάλεια επικοινωνιών, ασύρματα και οπτικά δίκτυα επικοινωνιών, ποιότητα υπηρεσιών στον έλεγχο πρόσβασης στο μέσο, κινητές πολυμεσικές επικοινωνίες, εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και δικαιοσύνη στην ανάθεση πόρων σε συνεργατικά δίκτυα αισθητήρων, καθώς και σε υβριδικά ασύρματα-οπτικά δίκτυα, παρακολούθηση δεδομένων ηλεκτρονικής υγείας, δίκτυα 5ης Γενιάς και μεταγενέστερα, τεχνικές βελτιστοποίησης που βασίζονται σε Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και αναλυτικές μεθόδους, γεωργία ακριβείας και εφαρμογές ευφυούς πλέγματος, ιπτάμενα αδόμητα δίκτυα και εκπαιδευτικές τεχνολογίες που βασίζονται σε ΤΠΕ με περισσότερες από 150 δημοσιεύσεις (και πάνω από 3000 αναφορές) σε ευρέως αναγνωρισμένα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά και συνέδρια. Έχει συμμετάσχει στην επιμέλεια έκδοσης δύο βιβλίων, έχει αποτελέσει μέλος της συντακτικής επιτροπής πέντε έγκριτων επιστημονικών περιοδικών (εκδότες: IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, MDPI), Ανώτερο Μέλος (Senior Member) του ινστιτούτου IEEE, καθώς και μέλος της Ακαδημίας Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (HEA Fellow). Επίσης, συμμετέχει ενεργά στη συγγραφή χρηματοδοτούμενων ερευνητικών προτάσεων, καθώς και στην εκτέλεση αντίστοιχων ευρωπαϊκών έργων (ενδεικτικά, Drones4GREEN, NANCY, TALON, ELECTRON, TERMINET, SDN-microSENSE, INCIDENCE, eROBSON, SmartROOT, JAUNTY, FuseGI, ARRANGE-ICT κ.ά.).
Επιστημονικές Δημοσιεύσεις
Εργασίες δημοσιευμένες σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά με σύστημα κριτών:
S. Giannakidou, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, S. Goudos, E. K. Markakis, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Leveraging the power of internet of things and artificial intelligence in forest fire prevention, detection, and restoration: A comprehensive survey,” Internet of Things, Elsevier, vol. 26, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.iot.2024.101171. FULL TEXT
V. Moysiadis, I. Siniosoglou, G. Kokkonis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, S. K. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Cherry Tree Crown Extraction Using Machine Learning Based on Images from UAVs,” Agriculture, MDPI, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, pp. 322, Feb. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture14020322. FULL TEXT
K. Voulgaridis, T. Lagkas, C. M. Angelopoulos, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Digital product passports as enablers of digital circular economy: a framework based on technological perspective," Telecommunication Systems, Springer, Jan. 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11235-024-01104-x. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, I. Moscholios, M. Zevgara, S. Ouzounidis, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Anchored self‐similar 3D Gauss‐Markov mobility model for ad hoc routing scenarios,” IET Networks, Wiley, Volume 12, Issue 5, pp. 250-259, Sep. 2023. DOI: 10.1049/ntw2.12089. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, S. Ouzounidis, M. Zevgara, I. Moscholios, S. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Generating full-stack 5G security datasets: IP-layer and core network persistent PDU session attacks,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier, vol. 171, Nov. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2023.154913. FULL TEXT
G. Fevgas, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou and P. Sarigiannidis, "Detection of Biotic or Abiotic Stress in Vineyards Using Thermal and RGB Images Captured via IoT Sensors," IEEE Access, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3320048. FULL TEXT
K.A. Tychola, K. Voulgaridis, and T. Lagkas, “Tactile IoT and 5G & beyond schemes as key enabling technologies for the future metaverse,” Telecommunication Systems, Springer, Sep. 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s11235-023-01052-y. FULL TEXT
V. Patsias, P. Amanatidis, D. Karampatzakis, T. Lagkas, K. Michalakopoulou, and A. Nikitas, “Task Allocation Methods and Optimization Techniques in Edge Computing: A Systematic Review of the Literature,” Future Internet, MDPI, vol. 15, no. 8, p. 254, Jul. 2023, DOI: 10.3390/fi15080254. FULL TEXT
I. Siniosoglou, V. Argyriou, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, A. Sarigiannidis, S. K. Goudos, and S. Wan, “Post-Processing Fairness Evaluation of Federated Models: An Unsupervised Approach in Healthcare,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2023.3269767. FULL TEXT
P. Amanatidis, D. Karampatzakis, G. Iosifidis, T. Lagkas, and A. Nikitas, “Cooperative Task Execution for Object Detection in Edge Computing: An Internet of Things Application,” Applied Sciences, MDPI, Volume 13, Number 8, p. 4982, April 2023. DOI: 10.3390/app13084982. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, W. Mallouli, A. Cavalli, D. Klonidis, E. Markakis, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Threatening the 5G core via PFCP DoS attacks: the case of blocking UAV communications,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Springer, 2022. DOI: 10.1186/s13638-022-02204-5. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, K. Tsiknas, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, “Introducing a New TCP Variant for UAV networks following comparative simulations,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2022.102708. FULL TEXT
K. Voulgaridis, T. D. Lagkas, C. M. Angelopoulos, and S. E. Nikoletseas, “IoT and Digital Circular Economy: Principles, Applications, and Challenges,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109456. FULL TEXT
R. M. Rolly, P. Malarvezhi, and T. D. Lagkas, “Unmanned aerial vehicles: Applications, techniques, and challenges as aerial base stations,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Sage, Volume 18, Issue 9, September 2022. DOI: 10.1177/15501329221123933. FULL TEXT
A. Liatifis, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Argyriou, and T. Lagkas, “Advancing SDN: from OpenFlow to P4, a Survey,” ACM Computing Surveys, 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3556973. FULL TEXT
D. Pliatsios, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. -A. A. Boulogeorgos and P. Baziana, "Joint Wireless Resource and Computation Offloading Optimization for Energy Efficient Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TGCN.2022.3189413. FULL TEXT
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, P. Diamantoulakis, T. Lagkas, T. Saoulidis, E. Fountoukidis, and G. Karagiannidis, "Strategic Honeypot Deployment in Ultra-Dense Beyond 5G Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2022.3184112. FULL TEXT
G. Fevgas, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Coverage Path Planning Methods Focusing on Energy Efficient and Cooperative Strategies for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," Sensors, MDPI, Volume 22, Issue 3, Article 1235, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/s22031235. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Drones in B5G/6G Networks as Flying Base Stations," Drones, MDPI, Volume 6, Issue 4, Article 39, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/drones6020039. FULL TEXT
D. Pliatsios, S. K. Goudos, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. A. A. Boulogeorgos and P. Sarigiannidis, “Drone-Base-Station for Next-Generation Internet-of-Things: A Comparison of Swarm Intelligence Approaches,” IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/OJAP.2021.3133459. FULL TEXT
S. Tsimenidis, T. Lagkas, and K. Rantos, "Deep Learning in IoT Intrusion Detection," Journal of Network and Systems Management, Springer, Volume 30, Issue 1, Article 8, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10922-021-09621-9. FULL TEXT
A. Lytos, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Argyriou, and G. Eleftherakis, “Modelling argumentation in short text: A case of social media debate,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, Volume 115, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2021.102446. FULL TEXT
V. Kelli, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, G. Fragulis, E. Grigoriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, “IDS for Industrial Applications: A Federated Learning Approach with Active Personalization,” Sensors, MDPI, vol. 21, no. 20, p. 6743, Oct. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/s21206743. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Vitsas, P. Fouliras, and S. Wan, "A survey on FANET routing from a cross-layer design perspective," Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier, Volume 120, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.sysarc.2021.102281. FULL TEXT
P. R. Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, C. Dalamagkas, Y. Spyridis, T. Lagkas, et al. "SDN-Based Resilient Smart Grid: The SDN-microSENSE Architecture", Digital, MDPI, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp. 173-187, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/digital1040013. FULL TEXT
V. Moysiadis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. Sarigiannidis, I. D. Moscholios, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Extending ADR mechanism for LoRa enabled mobile end-devices," Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, Volume 113, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2021.102388. FULL TEXT
V. Li, G. Amponis, J.-C. Nebel, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Object Recognition for Augmented Reality Applications," Azerbaijan Journal of High Performance Computing, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 15-28. DOI: 10.32010/26166127.2021. FULL TEXT
T. Lagkas, D. Klonidis, P. Sarigiannidis, and I. Tomkos, "Optimized Joint Allocation of Radio, Optical, and MEC Resources for the 5G and Beyond Fronthaul," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3094789. FULL TEXT
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, K. Robolos, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, A. Sarigiannidis, S. K. Goudos, and S. Wan, "Modelling, Detecting and Mitigating Threats against Industrial Healthcare Systems: A combined SDN and Reinforcement Learning Approach," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2021.3093905. FULL TEXT
Y. Spyridis, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Argyriou, A. Sarigiannidis, G. Eleftherakis, and J. Zhang, “Towards 6G IoT: Tracing Mobile Sensor Nodes with Deep Learning Clustering in UAV Networks,” Sensors, MDPI, Volume 21, Issue 11, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/s21113936. FULL TEXT
K. G. Tsiknas, K. E. Zoiros, and T. D. Lagkas, “Performance Analysis of High-Speed TCP Protocols in LTE X2 Handover under realistic operational conditions,” Telecommunication Systems, Springer, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11235-021-00784-z. FULL TEXT
Z. Sun, Y. Spyridis, T. Lagkas, A. Sesis, G. Efstathopoulos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “End-to-End Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Intentional Islanding in Power Systems Considering Load-Generation Balance,” Sensors, MDPI, Volume 21, Issue 5, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/s21051650. FULL TEXT
G. Kakamoukas, P. Sarigiannidis, A. Maropoulos, T. Lagkas, K. Zaralis, C. Karaiskou, “Towards Climate Smart Farming - A Reference Architecture for Integrated Farming Systems”, Telecom, MDPI, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/telecom2010005. FULL TEXT
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Vitsas, P. Fouliras, "Inter-UAV Routing Scheme Testbeds", Drones, MDPI, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/drones5010002. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli, T. Lagkas, P. A. Bath, and G. Eleftherakis, “Sensor-based platforms for remote management of chronic diseases in developing regions: a qualitative approach examining the perspectives of healthcare professionals,” Health Informatics Journal, Sage, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2021. DOI: 10.1177/1460458220979350. FULL TEXT
A. Triantafyllou, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, I. Moscholios, and A. Sarigiannidis, “Leveraging Fairness in LoRaWAN: A Novel Scheduling Scheme for Collision Avoidance,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107735. FULL TEXT
I. Spyridis, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, and J. Zhang, “Modelling and simulation of a new cooperative algorithm for UAV swarm coordination in mobile RF target tracking,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2020.102232. FULL TEXT
A. Triantafyllou, J. A. P. Jimenez, A. d. R. Torres, T. Lagkas, K. Rantos and P. Sarigiannidis, "The Challenges of Privacy and Access Control as Key Perspectives for the Future Electric Smart Grid," IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2020.3037517. FULL TEXT
T. Lagkas, G. Eleftherakis, K. Dimopoulos, and J. Zhang, "Signal strength based scheme for following mobile IoT devices in dynamic environments," Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2020.101165. FULL TEXT
D. Pliatsios, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, and A. G. Sarigiannidis, “A Survey on SCADA Systems: Secure Protocols, Incidents, Threats and Tactics,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2020.2987688. FULL TEXT
J. Brenes, T. D. Lagkas, D. Klonidis, R. Muñoz, S. Rommel, G. Landi, I. T. Monroy, E. Grivas, E. Pikasis, G. Bernini, J. M. Fabrega, and R. Vilalta, "Network slicing architecture for SDM and analog-radio-over-fiber-based 5G fronthaul networks," Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. B33-B43, 2020. DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.381912. FULL TEXT
T. Lagkas, D. Klonidis, P. Sarigiannidis, and Ioannis Tomkos, "5G/NGPON Evolution and Convergence: Developing on Spatial Multiplexing of Optical Fiber Links for 5G Infrastructures," Fiber and Integrated Optics Journal, Taylor & Francis, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 4-23, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/01468030.2020.1725184. FULL TEXT
A. Lytos, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, M. Zervakis, and G. Livanos, "Towards Smart Farming: Systems, Frameworks and Exploitation of Multiple Sources ," Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107147. FULL TEXT
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, and I. Moscholios, “A Compilation of UAV Applications for Precision Agriculture,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107148. FULL TEXT
A. Lytos, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, and K. Bontcheva, “The Evolution of Argumentation Mining: From Models to Social Media and Emerging Tools,” Information Processing & Management, Elsevier, Volume 56, Issue 6, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipm.2019.102055. FULL TEXT
T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, S. Bibi, and P. Sarigiannidis, “UAV IoT Framework Views and Challenges: Towards Protecting Drones as “Things””, Sensors, MDPI, Volume 18, Issue 11, November 2018. DOI: 10.3390/s18114015. FULL TEXT
A. Triantafyllou, P. Sarigiannidis, and T. D. Lagkas, “Network Protocols, Schemes, and Mechanisms for Internet of Things (IoT): Features, Open Challenges, and Trends,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Hindawi / Wiley, Volume 2018, Article ID 5349894, 24 pages, September 2018. DOI: 10.1155/2018/5349894. FULL TEXT
P. Bellavista, C. Giannelli, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Multi-domain SDN controller federation in hybrid FiWi-MANET networks,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Springer, Volume 2018, Issue 1, May 2018. DOI: 10.1186/s13638-018-1119-0. FULL TEXT
P. Bellavista, C. Giannelli, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Quality Management of Surveillance Multimedia Streams via Federated SDN Controllers in FiWi-IoT Integrated Deployment Environments,” IEEE Access, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 21324-21341, April 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2822401. FULL TEXT
T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, P. Bellavista, and C. Giannelli, “Multi-Stage Resource Allocation in Hybrid 25G-EPON and LTE-Advanced Pro FiWi Networks for 5G Systems,” IET Networks, Volume 7, Number 4, pp. 173-180, March 2018. DOI: 10.1049/iet-net.2017.0236. FULL TEXT
A. Lagias, T. Lagkas, and J. Zhang, "New RSSI-based Tracking for Following Mobile Targets using the Law of Cosines," IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, Volume 7, Issue 3, December 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2017.2779507. FULL TEXT
P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, S. Bibi, A. Ampatzoglou, and P. Bellavista, “Hybrid 5G Optical-wireless SDN-based Networks, Challenges and Open Issues”, IET Networks, Volume 6, Number 6, pp. 141-148, November 2017. DOI: 10.1049/iet-net.2017.0069. FULL TEXT
P. M. Papadopoulos, T. D. Lagkas, and S. N. Demetriadis, “Technology-Enhanced Peer Review: Benefits and Implications of Providing Multiple Reviews,” Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Volume 20, Number 3, pp. 69-81, July 2017. FULL TEXT
G. Eleftherakis, D. Pappas, T. Lagkas, K. Rousis, and O. Paunovski, “Architecting the IoT Paradigm: A Middleware for Autonomous Distributed Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi, Volume 2015, Article ID 139735, 17 pages, 2015. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas and D. Papadopoulos, “Financial Analysis Considering Distress Prediction Models of Telecommunications Companies Listed in Athens Stock Exchange: Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, Forthnet, Hellas Online,” International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, Inderscience, Volume 5, Number 4, pp. 376-397, 2014. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, M. Louta, “Analyzing the Mobile WiMAX Resource Exploitation of the Downlink Direction,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Volume 77, Issue 2, pp 1117-1127, December 2013. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, M. Louta, “On Analyzing the Intra-Frame Power Saving Potentials of the IEEE 802.16e Downlink Vertical Mapping,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, Volume 57, Issue 7, pp. 1656-1673, May 2013. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, M. Louta, and P. Chatzimisios, “Exploring the Intra-frame Energy Conservation Capabilities of the Horizontal Simple Packing Algorithm in IEEE 802.16e Networks: An Analytical Approach,” Wireless Networks, Springer, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp 547-558, July 2012. FULL TEXT
P. M. Papadopoulos, T. D. Lagkas, and S. N. Demetriadis, “How to improve the peer review method: Free-selection vs assigned-pair protocol evaluated in a computer networking course,” Computers & Education, Elsevier, Volume 59, Issue 2, pp. 182-195, September 2012. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, D. Stratogiannis, G. I. Tsiropoulos, and P. Angelidis, “Bandwidth Allocation in Cooperative Wireless Networks: Buffer Load Analysis and Fairness Evaluation,” Physical Communication, Elsevier, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 227-236, Sep. 2011. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas and P. Chatzimisios, “AWPP: A New Scheme for Wireless Access Control Proportional to Traffic Priority and Rate,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2011, Article ID 925165, (11 pages), 2011. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, D. G. Stratogiannis, and P. Chatzimisios, “Modelling and performance analysis of an alternative to IEEE 802.11e Hybrid Control Function,” Telecommunication Systems, Springer, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 1961-1976, doi: 10.1007/s11235-011-9477-5, June 2011. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A Novel Method of Serving Multimedia and Background Traffic in Wireless LANs,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 57, Issue 5, pp. 3263-3267, September 2008. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “Priority Oriented Adaptive Control with QoS Guarantee for wireless LANs,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 56, Issue 4, pp. 1761-1772, July 2007. FULL TEXT
P. Nicopolitidis, G. I. Papadimitriou, T. D. Lagkas, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A Power Efficient Approach to Adaptive Polling Protocols for Wireless LANs,” IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 11, Issue 6, pp. 483-485, June 2007. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A New Approach to the Design of MAC protocols for Wireless LANs: Combining QoS Guarantee with Power Saving,” IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 10, Issue 7, pp. 537-539, July 2006. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, A. S. Pomportsis, and M. S. Obaidat, “SQAP: A Simple QoS supportive Adaptive Polling Protocol for Wireless LANs,” Computer Communications, Elsevier, Volume 29, Issue 8, pp. 934-937, May 2006. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, and A. S. Pomportsis, “QAP: A QoS supportive Adaptive Polling Protocol for Wireless LANs,” Computer Communications, Elsevier, Volume 29, Issue 5, pp. 618-633, March 2006. FULL TEXT
G. I. Papadimitriou, T. D. Lagkas, and A. S. Pomportsis, “HIPERSIM: A Sense Range Distinctive Simulation Environment for HiperLAN Systems,” Simulation, Transactions of The Society for Modelling and Simulation International, Sage, Volume 79, Number 8, pp. 462-481, August 2003. FULL TEXT
Εργασίες δημοσιευμένες σε πρακτικά διεθνών επιστημονικών συνεδρίων με σύστημα κριτών:
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, G. Nakas, G. Amponis, S. Giannakidou, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, S. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, "5GCIDS: An Intrusion Detection System for 5G Core with AI and Explainability Mechanisms," 2023 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 353-358, doi: 10.1109/GCWkshps58843.2023.10464667.
G. Nakas, G. Nakas, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, V Argyriou, S Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, "5G-Fuzz: An Attack Generator for Fuzzing 5GC, using Generative Adversarial Networks," 2023 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 347-352, doi: 10.1109/GCWkshps58843.2023.10464928.
D. Doropoulou, V. Angelopoulos, P. Amanatidis, T. Lagkas, and D. Karampatzakis, “Teaching Embedded Systems and IoT at the University using MicroPython and Raspeberry Pi Pico”, 27th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Progress in Computing and Informatics (PCI 2023), Lamia, Greece, November 2023, doi: 10.1145/3635059.3635079.
A. Liatifis, T. Lagkas, G. P. Katsikas, A. Bujari, V. Argyriou, A. Triantafyllou, A. Lytos, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, "Evaluating SDN Applicability in the Edge," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1571-1575, doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283702.
I. Siniosoglou, K. Xouveroudis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, D. Margounakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Applying Federated Learning on Decentralized Smart Farming: A Case Study," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1295-1300, doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283681.
K. D. Stergiou, Y. Ishibashi, S. K. Goudos, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis and K. E. Psannis, "Improving Communication Systems Through Federated Learning: An Optimization of Decision-Making," 6th World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE 2023), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023, pp. 45-48, doi: 10.1109/WSCE59557.2023.10365857.
V. Christofas, P. Amanatidis, D. Karampatzakis, T. Lagkas, S. K. Goudos, K. E. Psannis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Comparative Evaluation between Accelerated RISC-V and ARM AI Inference Machines," 6th World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE 2023), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023, pp. 108-113, doi: 10.1109/WSCE59557.2023.10365853.
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, M. Zafeiropoulou, M. Atanasova, P. Zlatev, S. Giannakidou, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, E. K. Markakis, I. Moscholios, and P. Sarigiannidis, "False Data Injection Attacks Against High Voltage Transmission Systems," 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), Pafos, Cyprus, 2023, pp. 324-329, doi: 10.1109/DCOSS-IoT58021.2023.00060.
A. Liatifis, T. Lagkas, G. P. Katsikas, A. Bujari, V. Argyriou, A. Triantafyllou, A. Lytos, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, "Evaluating SDN Applicability in the Edge," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1571-1575, doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283702.
K. Voulgaridis, T. Lagkas, D. Karampatzakis, V. Argyriou and P. Sarigiannidis, "Realizing Digital Product Passports with Crowdsourcing Principles: The Case of Sustainable Smart Grids," 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), Pafos, Cyprus, 2023, pp. 381-388, doi: 10.1109/DCOSS-IoT58021.2023.00068.
V. Li, B. Villarini, J. Nebel, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis and V. Argyriou, "Evaluation of Environmental Conditions on Object Detection Using Oriented Bounding Boxes for AR Applications," 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), Pafos, Cyprus, 2023, pp. 309-316, doi: 10.1109/DCOSS-IoT58021.2023.00058.
A. Nagy, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis and V. Argyriou, "Evaluation of AI-Supported Input Methods in Augmented Reality Environment," 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), Pafos, Cyprus, 2023, pp. 496-503, doi: 10.1109/DCOSS-IoT58021.2023.00083.
I. Siniosoglou, K. Xouveroudis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, D. Margounakis, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Applying Federated Learning on Decentralized Smart Farming: A Case Study," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1295-1300, doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops57953.2023.10283681.
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, A. Liatifis, C. Dalamagkas, A. Lekidis, K. Voulgaridis, T. Lagkas, et al., “ELECTRON: An Architectural Framework for Securing the Smart Electrical Grid with Federated Detection, Dynamic Risk Assessment and Self-Healing,” 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '23), ACM, Benevento Italy 29, Aug. 2023 - 1 Sept. 2023, pp. 1-8, doi:10.1145/3600160.3605161 .
S. Grigoriadou, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, I. Makris, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. Lytos, and E. Fountoukidis, "Hunting IoT Cyberattacks With AI - Powered Intrusion Detection," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), Venice, Italy, 2023, pp. 142-147, doi: 10.1109/CSR57506.2023.10224981.
B. Villarini, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis and V. Argyriou, "Detection of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Traffic Signs for Autonomous Vehicles," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT), BALI, Indonesia, 2023, pp. 31-37, doi: 10.1109/IAICT59002.2023.10205591.
A. Nagy, G. Amponis, K. Kyranou, T. Lagkas, A. A. Boulogeorgos, P. Sarigiannidis, and V. Argyriou, "AI-Powered Interfaces for Extended Reality to Support Remote Maintenance," 2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 214-222, doi: 10.1109/CCGridW59191.2023.00045.
I. Siniosoglou, K. Xouveroudis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, S. Goudos, K. Psannis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Evaluating the Effect of Volatile Federated Timeseries on Modern DNNs: Attention over Long/Short Memory," 2023 12th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Athens, Greece, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MOCAST57943.2023.10176585.
G. Amponis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, G. Nakas, S. Goudos, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, "5G Core PFCP Intrusion Detection Dataset," 2023 12th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Athens, Greece, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MOCAST57943.2023.10176693.
A. D. Boursianis M. S. Papadopoulou, A. I. Griva, V. P. Rekkas, L. A. Iliadis, S. P. Sotirou, P. Diamantoulakis, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Modified Bow-Tie Antenna Design Using Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm for Wireless Power Transfer IoT Applications," 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Florence, Italy, 2023, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP57121.2023.10133339.
I. Stoitsis, P. Amanatidis, T. Lagkas, and D. Karampatzakis, “A Hands-on University Short Course for Edge AI,” 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI '22), 2022, doi: 10.1145/3575879.3575971.
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, D. Karampatzakis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, V. Argyriou, I. Moscholios, S. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Efficient Peer-to-Peer Unicasting for VANET Architectures via Enhanced Monolithic Protocols,” 2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM57760.2022.9932897.
O. Peretti, Y. Spyridis, A. Sesis, G. Efstathopoulos, A. Lytos, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Augmented reality training, command and control framework for first responders,” 2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM57760.2022.9932966.
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, C. Dalamagkas, T. Lagkas, M. Zafeiropoulou, M. Atanasova, P. Zlatev, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, V. Argyriou, E. K. Markakis, I. Moscholios, and P. Sarigiannidis, “False Data Injection Attacks against Low Voltage Distribution Systems”, 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling (IEEE GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022, pp. 1856-1861, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10000880.
G. Amponis, P. Radoglou Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, S. Ouzounidis, M. Zevgara, I. Moscholios, S. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Towards Securing Next-Generation Networks: Attacking 5G Core/RAN Testbed,” 6th Panhellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications (PACET), Tripolis, Greece, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/PACET56979.2022.9976365.
G. Fevgas, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "UAV Energy Awareness based on Network Communication Optimization and Power Efficient Trajectories," 2022 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 2022, pp. 756-761, doi: 10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9907977.
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, I. Moscholios, M. Zevgara, S. Ouzounidis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Swarm Mobility Models and Impact of Link State Awareness in Ad Hoc Routing," 2022 13th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 2022, pp. 762-767, doi: 10.1109/CSNDSP54353.2022.9907951.
A. Filippidis, T. Lagkas, H. Mouratidis, S. Nifakos, E. Grigoriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Enhancing information security awareness programs through collaborative learning," 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), 2022, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp. 803-810.
K. Voulgaridis, T. Lagkas and P. Sarigiannidis, "Towards Industry 5.0 and Digital Circular Economy: Current Research and Application Trends," 2022 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2022, pp. 153-158, doi: 10.1109/DCOSS54816.2022.00037.
V. Kelli, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, A. Sesis, T. Lagkas, E. Fountoukidis, E. Kafetzakis, I. Giannoulakis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Attacking and Defending DNP3 ICS/SCADA Systems," 2022 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2022, pp. 183-190, doi: 10.1109/DCOSS54816.2022.00041.A. Liatifis, C. Dalamagkas, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, E. Markakis, V. Mladenov, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Fault-Tolerant SDN Solution for Cybersecurity Applications,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES '22), Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, pp. 1–6. DOI: 10.1145/3538969.3544479.
V. Kelli, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, E. K. Markakis and P. Sarigiannidis, "Risk Analysis of DNP3 Attacks," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2022, pp. 351-356, doi: 10.1109/CSR54599.2022.9850291.
E. Grigoriou, A. Liatifis, P. R. Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, I. Moscholios, E. Markakis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Protecting IEC 60870-5-104 ICS/SCADA Systems with Honeypots," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2022, pp. 345-350, doi: 10.1109/CSR54599.2022.9850329.
C. Chaschatzis, A. Lytos, S. Bibi, T. Lagkas, C. Petaloti, S. Goudos, I. Moscholios, and P. Sarigiannidis "Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture for Farm Management and Knowledge Exchange," 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MOCAST54814.2022.9837534.
A. Liatifis, P. R. Alcazar, P. R. Grammatikis, D. Papamartzivanos, S. Menesidou, T. Krousarlis, M. M. Alberto, I. Angulo, A. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. Skarmeta, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Dynamic Risk Assessment and Certification in the Power Grid: A Collaborative Approach," 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 2022, pp. 462-467, doi: 10.1109/NetSoft54395.2022.9844034.
D. Pliatsios, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. Sarigiannidis, D. Margounakis, T. Saoulidis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "A Hybrid RF-FSO Offloading Scheme for Autonomous Industrial Internet of Things," IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS54753.2022.9798011.
V. Li, G. Amponis, J.-C. Nebel, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, S. Ouzounidis, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Super Resolution for Augmented Reality Applications," IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS54753.2022.9798101.
I. Siniosoglou, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, I. Moscholios, G. Fragulis and P. Sarigiannidis, "Unsupervised Bias Evaluation of DNNs in non-IID Federated Learning Through Latent micro-Manifolds," IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS54753.2022.9798157.
I. Siniosoglou, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, A. Tsiakalos, A. Sarigiannidis and P. Sarigiannidis, "Covert Distributed Training of Deep Federated Industrial Honeypots," 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GCWkshps52748.2021.9682162.
Z. Sun, Y. Spyridis, A. Sessis, G. Efstathopoulos, E. Grigoriou, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Intentional Islanding of Power Systems Through Self-Embedding Learning," 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GCWkshps52748.2021.9682069.
D. Pliatsios, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, I. D. Moscholios and P. Sarigiannidis, "Semi-Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Tactile Internet of Things," 2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC), 2021, pp. 1389-1394, DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC50174.2021.9569640.
I. Siniosoglou, P. Sarigiannidis, Y. Spyridis, A. Khadka, G. Efstathopoulos, and T. Lagkas, “Synthetic Traffic Signs Dataset for Traffic Sign Detection & Recognition In Distributed Smart Systems”, Proceedings of the 2021 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS), ONLINE, pp. 302-308, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/DCOSS52077.2021.00056.
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, A. Liatifis, E. Grigoriou, T. Saoulidis, A. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, "TRUSTY: A Solution for Threat Hunting Using Data Analysis in Critical Infrastructures," Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR 2021), ONLINE, pp. 485-490, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/CSR51186.2021.9527936.
I. Siniosoglou, V. Argyriou, S. Bibi, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Unsupervised Ethical Equity Evaluation of Adversarial Federated Networks," ACM Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021), ONLINE, 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3465481.3470478
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, G. Efstathopoulos, T. Lagkas, G. Fragulis and A. Sarigiannidis, "A Self-Learning Approach for Detecting Intrusions in Healthcare Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2021), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500354.
I. Siniosoglou, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas, S. K. Goudos and M. Poveda, "Federated Intrusion Detection In NG-IoT Healthcare Systems: An Adversarial Approach," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2021), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500578.
V. Kelli, P. Sarigiannidis, V. Argyriou, T. Lagkas and V. Vitsas, "A Cyber Resilience Framework for NG-IoT Healthcare Using Machine Learning and Blockchain," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2021), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500496.
T. D. Lagkas, D. Klonidis, P. Sarigiannidis and I. Tomkos, "Joint Spatial and Spectral Resource Optimization over Both Wireless and Optical Fronthaul Domains of 5G Architectures," Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2020), Bari, Italy, July 2020.
I. Spyridis, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, and J. Zhang, “Rule-based Autonomous Tracking of RF Transmitter Using a UAV Swarm,” Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (IEEE/IET CSNDSP 2020), ONLINE, July 2020.
G. Drosatos, K. Rantos, D. Karampatzakis, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Privacy-preserving solutions in the Industrial Internet of Things,” Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2020), LA, CA, USA, May 2020.
A. Triantafyllou, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, and A. Sarigiannidis, “A Novel LoRaWAN Scheduling Scheme for Improving Reliability and Collision Avoidance,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2020), Bremen, Germany, September 2020.
Muñoz, R. Vilalta, C. Manso, L. Rodríguez, J. M. Fábrega, R. Martínez, R. Casellas, J. Brenes, G. Landi, M. Capitani, G. Otero, D. Larrabeiti,C. Vázquez, J. D. López-Cardona, E. Grivas, T. Lagkas, D. Klonidis,S. Rommel, and I. T. Monroy, ‘‘Experimental demonstration of advanced service management in SDN/NFV front-haul networks deploying ARoF and PoF,’’ Proceedings of the 45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2019), Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 2019.
A. Rimboux, Rob Dupre, E. Daci, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, P. Remagnino, and V. Argyriou, “Smart IoT Cameras for Crowd Analysis based on augmentation for automatic pedestrian detection, simulation and annotation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2019), Santorini, Greece, May 2019. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli, T. Lagkas, P. A. Bath, and G. Eleftherakis, “Healthcare professionals' attitudes towards remote patient monitoring through sensor networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 2018. FULL TEXT
C. Dalamagkas, P. G. Sarigiannidis, I. D. Moscholios, T. Lagkas, and M. S. Obaidat, “PAS: A Fair Game-Driven DBA Scheme for XG-PON Systems,” Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing, Budapest, Hungary, July 2018. FULL TEXT
A. Lytos, T. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, and K. Bontcheva, “Argumentation Mining: Exploiting Multiple Sources and Background Knowledge,” Proceedings of the 12th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2018, ISBN: 978-960-9416-20-7, pp. 66-74, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2018. FULL TEXT
A. Avdullahi, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, “QoS Supportive MAC Protocols for WSNs: Review and Evaluation,” Proceedings of the 8th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’17, Skopje, FYROM, September 2017. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli and T. D. Lagkas, P. A. Bath, and G. Eleftherakis “Towards a Sensor-Based Architecture for Remote Monitoring of Patients in Developing Regions: Review and Qualitative Research Methodology,” Proceedings of the 11th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2017.
P. Sarigiannidis, A. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, M. Obaidat, T. Zygiridis, and N. Kantartzis, “Connectivity and Coverage in Machine-Type Communications,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC2017, Paris, France, May 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2017.7996897. FULL TEXT
M. Louta, K. Mpanti, G. Karetsos, and T. Lagkas, “Mobile Crowd Sensing Architectural Frameworks: A Comprehensive Survey,” Proceedings of SOAComm: 1st International Workshop on Self Organized Adaptive Communications, Workshop of the 7th International Conference of Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2016), Chalkidiki, Greece, July 2016. DOI: 10.1109/IISA.2016.7785385. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, A. Lamproudi, and P. Sarigiannidis, “The Effect of Group Mobility on the Efficacy of Routing in Next Generation Mobile Networks,” Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications, pp. 1-5, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2016. DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2016.7500424. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli, T. Lagkas, P. A. Bath, and G. Eleftherakis, “Feasibility of sensor-based technology for monitoring health in developing countries - cost analysis and user perceptions,” Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research – ISHIMR 2015, York, UK, June 2015.
T. D. Lagkas, A. Imeri, and G. Eleftherakis, “A Pragmatic Evaluation of Distance Vector Proactive Routing in MANETs via Open Space Real-World Experiments,” Proceedings of the 7th EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems WiSATS 2015, Bradford, UK, July 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25479-1_26 (Published as Chapter in “Wireless and Satellite Systems,” Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer, Volume 154, pp 345-358). FULL TEXT
P. M. Papadopoulos, T. D. Lagkas, and S. N. Demetriadis, “The Impact of Ranking Information on Students’ Behavior and Performance in Peer Review Settings,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education CSEDU2015, pp. 139-147, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, A. Lamproudi, P. Sarigiannidis, and Charalabos Skianis, “The Impact of Mobility Patterns on the Efficiency of Data Forwarding in MANETs,” Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC2015, pp. 7655-7660, London, UK, June 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2015.7249284. FULL TEXT
K. Skafas, T. Lagkas, and G. Eleftherakis, “The Hunter: Tracking Randomly Moving WBAN Targets,” Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks CAMAD, pp. 139-143, Athens, Greece, December 2014. DOI: 10.1109/CAMAD.2014.7033222. FULL TEXT
C. Konstadinidis, P. Sarigiannidis, P. Chatzimisios, P. Raptis, and T.D. Lagkas, “A Multilayer Comparative Study of XG-PON and 10G-EPON Standards,” Proceedings of the 9th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2014, pp. 286-298, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2014. ISBN 978-960-9416-07-8, ISSN 1791-3578. FULL TEXT
K. Skafas, T.D. Lagkas, and G. Eleftherakis, “The Hunter: The Quest for Sensorial Information,” Proceedings of the 9th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2014, pp. 299-305, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2014. ISBN 978-960-9416-07-8, ISSN 1791-3578
A. Basholli, T.D. Lagkas, P. Bath, and G. Eleftherakis, “Towards a Wireless Monitoring System in Developing Regions – The Case of Kosovo,” Proceedings of the 9th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2014, pp. 446-459, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2014. ISBN 978-960-9416-07-8, ISSN 1791-3578. FULL TEXT
P. Sarigiannidis, K. Aproikidis, T.D. Lagkas, M. Louta, and P. Angelidis, “Predicting Multimedia Traffic in Wireless Networks: A Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Techniques,” Proceedings of ADCONET: ADvances in COgnitive NETworks – Awareness, Adaptation, Intelligence and Learning in Communication Networks and Systems, Special Session of the 5th International Conference of Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2014), pp. 341-346, Chania, Greece, July 2014. DOI: 10.1109/IISA.2014.6878802. FULL TEXT
P. M. Papadopoulos, and T. D. Lagkas, “Usage Data and Group Rankings In Peer Review Settings: A Case Study on Students’ Behavior and Performance,” Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2014, pp. 297-299, Athens, Greece, July 2014. DOI: 10.1109/ICALT.2014.92. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli, T. Lagkas, G. Eleftherakis, and P. Bath “Wireless Monitoring Systems for Enhancing National Health Services in Developing Regions,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Health Informatics HEALTHINF 2014, pp. 511-516, Eseo, Angers, Loire Valley, France, March 2014. DOI: 10.5220/0004913905110516. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli and T. D. Lagkas, “Simulation of Network Request Mapping Techniques,” Proceedings of the 8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference DSC2013, pp. 233-246, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2013. ISBN 978-960-9416-06-1, ISSN 1791-3578
P. Sarigiannidis, M. D. Louta, T. D. Lagkas, and E. Balasa “Adaptive Sensing Policies for Cognitive Wireless Networks using Learning Automata,” Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC’13, Split, Croatia, July 2013. DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2013.6754991. FULL TEXT
P. M. Papadopoulos, T. D. Lagkas, and S. N. Demetriadis, “How to Implement a Technology Supported Free-Selection Peer Review Protocol: Design Implications from Two Studies on Computer Network Education,” Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2012, Rome, Italy, July 4-6, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/ICALT.2012.12. FULL TEXT
P. M. Papadopoulos, T. D. Lagkas, S. N. Demetriadis, and F. Fischer, “Allowing Students to Select Deliverables for Peer Review: Benefits and Limitations of a Free-Selection Protocol,” Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 2011--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, pp. 2249-2258, Lisbon, Portugal, June 27-July 1, 2011. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, D. G. Stratogiannis, G. I. Tsiropoulos, P. Sarigiannidis, and M. D. Louta, “Load Dependent Resource Allocation in Cooperative Multiservice Wireless Networks: Throughput and Delay Analysis,” Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC’11, pp. 185-190, Corfu, Greece, June-July 2011. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas and P. Chatzimisios, “Performance and Fairness Analysis of a QoS Supportive MAC Protocol for Wireless LANs,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications ICC2011, pp. 1-6, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011. DOI: 10.1109/icc.2011.5963258. FULL TEXT
G. I. Tsiropoulos, D. Stratogiannis, T. D. Lagkas, P. Chatzimisios, and P. Cottis, “Adaptive Resource Allocation and Dynamic Call Admission Control in Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Mobile Computing and Emerging Communication Networks, pp. 1217-1221, Miami, U.S.A., December 2010. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, P. Angelidis, D. Stratogiannis, and G. I. Tsiropoulos, “Analysis of Queue Load Effect on Channel Access Prioritization in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE DCOSS’10 Workshop on Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 1-6, Santa Barbara, U.S.A., June 2010. DOI: 10.1109/DCOSSW.2010.5593273. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, “Adaptive Weighted and Prioritized Polling for QoS Provision in Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days 2009, pp. 1-5, Paris, France, December 2009. DOI: 10.1109/WD.2009.5449681
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “Novel Medium Control for Wireless Networks: Providing Total QoS and Energy Conservation,” Proceedings of IEEE MELECON 2008, pp. 228-233, Ajaccio, France, May 2008.
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A New Hybrid Medium Access Mechanism with Integrated QoS Support for Wireless LANs,” Proceedings of IEEE/CVT ‘07, pp. 1-5, Delft, the Netherlands, November 2007. DOI: 10.1109/SCVT.2007.4436248
P. Nicopolitidis, G. I. Papadimitriou, T. D. Lagkas, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A Low Power Adaptive MAC Protocol for Infrastructure Wireless LANs,” Proceedings of IEEE ICNS’07 and Workshops, (6 pages), Athens, Greece, June 2007. DOI: 10.1109/ICNS.2007.11
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “Low Energy Priority Oriented Adaptive Polling for Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE CSNDSP ’06, pp. 139-143, Patra, Greece, July 2006. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “Priority Oriented Adaptive Polling for wireless LANs,” Proceedings of IEEE ISCC ’06, pp. 719-724, Sardinia, Italy, June 2006.
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “Low Energy Priority Oriented Adaptive Control with QoS Guarantee for Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE/CVT ’05 [ISBN 90-365-2264-1], (6 pages), Enschede, the Netherlands, Nov. 2005.
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, P. Nicopolitidis, and A. S. Pomportsis, “POAC-QG: Priority Oriented Adaptive Control with QoS Guarantee for wireless LANs,” Proceedings of IEEE EUROCON ’05, pp. 1858-1861, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, November 2005.
T. D. Lagkas, G. I. Papadimitriou, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A High Performance QoS Supportive Protocol for Wireless LANs,” Proceedings of IEEE MELECON 2004, pp. 571-574, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2004.
G. I. Papadimitriou, T. D. Lagkas, M. S. Obaidat, and A. S. Pomportsis, “A New Approach to the Simulation of HIPERLAN Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of ESS ‘03, pp. 459-468, Delft, the Netherlands, October 2003.
G. I. Papadimitriou, T. D. Lagkas, and A. S. Pomportsis, “HIPERSIM: A Sense Range Distinctive Simulation Environment for HiperLAN Networks,” Proceedings of SPECTS ’03, pp. 131-139, Montreal, Canada, July 2003.
Άλλη συγγραφική δραστηριότητα
Κεφάλαια βιβλίων:
A. Liatifis, D. Pliatsios, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, V. Vitsas, N. Katertsidis, I. Moscholios, S. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Edge Networking Technology Drivers for Next-generation Internet of Things in the TERMINET Project,” Shaping the Future of IoT with Edge Intelligence: How Edge Computing Enables the Next Generation of IoT Applications, Edited by R. C. Sofia and J. Soldatos, River Publishers Series in Communications and Networking, pp. 3-14, 2024. doi: 10.1201/9781032632407-2 FULL TEXT
V. Kelli, A. Triantafyllou, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, T. Lagkas, V. Vitsas, P. Fouliras, I. Kotsiuba, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Achieving Security and Privacy in NG-IoT using Blockchain Techniques,” Shaping the Future of IoT with Edge Intelligence: How Edge Computing Enables the Next Generation of IoT Applications, Edited by R. C. Sofia and J. Soldatos, River Publishers Series in Communications and Networking, pp. 251-265, 2024. doi: 10.1201/9781032632407-15. FULL TEXT
Pantelis M. Papadopoulos, Thomas Lagkas, and Stavros N. Demetriadis, “How Revealing Rankings Affects Student Attitude and Performance in a Peer Review Learning Environment,” Computer Supported Education, Volume 583 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Edited by S. Zvacek, T. M. Restivo, J. Uhomoibhi, and M. Helfert, Springer International Publishing, pp. 225-240, February 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29585-5_13. FULL TEXT
A. Basholli and T. D. Lagkas, “Resource Request Mapping Techniques for OFDMA Networks,” Resource Management in Mobile Computing Environments, Edited by C. Mavromoustakis, E. Pallis, and G. Mastorakis, Springer-Verlag., pp. 145-163, 2014. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06704-9_7. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas and G. Eleftherakis, “An Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks: Towards the Realization of Cooperative Healthcare and Environmental Monitoring,” Wireless Communications and Networking: Theory and Practice, Edited by M. Matin, Published by IGI Global Inc., pp. 317-339, Aug. 2014. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5170-8.ch012. FULL TEXT
T. D. Lagkas, “Hybrid Approach to Integrated QoS Capable Protocols for Wireless LANs,” Wireless Network Traffic and Quality of Service Support: Trends and Standards, Edited by T. D. Lagkas, P. Angelidis, and L. Georgiadis, Published by IGI Global Inc., pp. 1-30, April 2010. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-771-8.ch001
T. D. Lagkas, P. Angelidis, and L. Georgiadis, “Adaptive Control in Wireless Networks,” Frontiers in Adaptive Control, Edited by Shuang Cong, Published by In-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, pp. 297-320, January 2009.
A. Liatifis, S. A. Tegos, N. A. Mitsiou, I. Makris, K. Kyranou, D. Pliatsios, T. Lagkas, and P. Sarigiannidis, " NANCY SNS JU Project - 5G Coverage Expansion Dataset 1," IEEE Dataport, 2023. DOI: 10.21227/vm3z-ww28
G. Fevgas, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, P. Sarigiannidis, "A Dataset of Thermal Infrared (TIR) Images of Vineyards and Pseudo-coloring RGB Images of the Plant’s Stressed Areas," IEEE Dataport, 2023. DOI: 10.21227/pgat-ha40
C. Chaschatzis, I. Siniosoglou, A. Triantafyllou, C. Karaiskou, A. Liatifis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, D. Pliatsios, V. Kelli, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "Peach Tree Disease Detection Dataset," IEEE Dataport, 2023. DOI: 10.21227/w67n-0q72
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, V. Kelli, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "DNP3 Intrusion Detection Dataset," IEEE Dataport, 2022. DOI: 10.21227/s7h0-b081
P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, V. Kelli, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, and P. Sarigiannidis, "IEC 60870-5-104 Intrusion Detection Dataset,” IEEE Dataport, 2022. DOI: 10.21227/fj7s-f281
Άρθρα σε ΜΜΕ:
Βραβεία Δημοσίευσης
S. Grigoriadou, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, P. Sarigiannidis, I. Makris, T. Lagkas, V. Argyriou, A. Lytos, and E. Fountoukidis, "Hunting IoT Cyberattacks With AI - Powered Intrusion Detection," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), Venice, Italy, 2023, pp. 142-147, doi: 10.1109/CSR57506.2023.10224981.
G. Amponis, T. Lagkas, D. Karampatzakis, P. Radoglou-Grammatikis, V. Argyriou, I. Moscholios, S. Goudos, and P. Sarigiannidis, “Efficient Peer-to-Peer Unicasting for VANET Architectures via Enhanced Monolithic Protocols,” 2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM57760.2022.9932897.
A. Triantafyllou, P. Sarigiannidis, T. Lagkas, and A. Sarigiannidis, “A Novel LoRaWAN Scheduling Scheme for Improving Reliability and Collision Avoidance,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2020), Bremen, Germany, September 2020.
T. D. Lagkas, D. G. Stratogiannis, G. I. Tsiropoulos, P. Sarigiannidis, and M. D. Louta, “Load Dependent Resource Allocation in Cooperative Multiservice Wireless Networks: Throughput and Delay Analysis,” Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC’11, pp. 185-190, Corfu, Greece, June-July 2011.
Δραστηριότητες Συνταξίας
Guest Editorials
Pei Xiao, Thomas Lagkas, and Vasos Vassiliou, "Measurement Techniques and Modeling in 6G Wireless Communication," Measurement, Elsevier, 2024. CFP
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, Vasileios Argyriou, Vasileios Argyriou, Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, “The Evolution of Next Generation Internet of Things: Applications & Future Directions,” Discover Internet of Things, Springer, 2023. CFP
Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, and Vasileios Argyriou, "Cybersecurity in the Next-Generation Industrial Internet of Things Era: Modelling, Detecting and Mitigating Threats," Electronics, MDPI, 2022. CFP
Alexandros-Apostolos A. Boulogeorgos, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, Vasileios Argyriou, and Pantelis Angelidis, "Next Generation Intelligent Communications and Networks," Telecom, MDPI, 2022. CFP
Dadmehr Rahbari, Carlos Tavares Calafate, and Thomas Lagkas, "Special Collection on Smart Communication and Computation for Autonomous Drones," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, SAGE, 2021. CFP
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, and Alexandros-Apostolos A. Boulogeorgos, "Machine Learning Applications in Smart Agriculture," Telecom, MDPI, 2020. CFP
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis and Thomas Lagkas, "SDN & NFV Developments and Advancements in IoT," Telecom, MDPI, 2020. CFP
Ioannis D. Moscholios, Mariusz Głąbowski, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, and Michael D. Logothetis “Intelligent Network Orchestration and Resource Management in 5G/6G Wireless Networks,” Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2020. CFP
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, Konstantinos Rantos, and Francisco Ramos, "Cybersecurity and Privacy-Preserving in Modern Smart Grid," Sensors, MDPI, 2020. CFP
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Thomas Lagkas, Ioannis D. Moscholios, Vasileios Argyriou, and Antonios Tsourdos, “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Enabled Smart Farming: Technologies, Communications and Routing,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Hindawi, 2020.
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Paolo Bellavista, Thomas Lagkas, and Konstantinos Rantos, “Special Issue on The Big Data Era in IoT-enabled Smart Farming: Systems, Tools, and Techniques,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2020.
Thomas Lagkas, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, and John Soldatos, “Special Issue on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0,” Information, MDPI, 2019.
Editorial Board Memberships
Associate Editor of the Internet of Things Journal (published by IEEE, 2018 - 2024)
Associate Editor of the Computer Networks Journal (published by Elsevier, 2018 - ...)
Associate Editor of the Telecommunication Systems Journal (published by Springer, 2015 - ...)
Associate Editor of the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (published by Springer, 2015 - ...)
Associate Editor of the Telecom Journal (published by MDPI, 2020 - ...)
Book Editorials
T. D. Lagkas, P. Sarigiannidis, M. Louta, and P. Chatzimisios, (Editors), “Evolution of Cognitive Networks and Self-Adaptive Communication Systems,” Published by IGI Global Inc., ISBN: 9781466641891, 2013.
T. D. Lagkas, P. Angelidis, and L. Georgiadis, (Editors), “Wireless Network Traffic and Quality of Service Support: Trends and Standards,” Published by IGI Global Inc., ISBN: 9781615207718, 2010.
Συν-επιμέλεια Βιβλίων
E. R. Scheinerman, “Διακριτά Μαθηματικά και Εφαρμογές-Μια Διακριτική Εισαγωγή με Εφαρμογές”, ISBN 9789925575756, 2023.
J. Bird, “Bird's Μαθηματικά για Μηχανικούς-Από τις Βασικές Αρχές έως τους Ολοκληρωτικούς Μετασχηματισμούς”, ISBN 9789925588220, 2022.
Δραστηριότητες Chairing
Co-Chair of the Special Session on Open-RAN for Intelligent B5G and 6G Wireless Networks: Emerging Trends and Recent Developments organized under the Seventh International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom 2024), June 3-6 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Publicity Chair of the 3rd Real-time And intelliGent Edge computing workshop (RAGE 2024) organized in conjunction with the Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week 2024), May 13-16 2024, Hong Kong, China.
Chair of the 6th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 5.0 (IoTI5 2024) organized in conjunction with the IEEE 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems and the Internet of Things (IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2024), April 29 – May 1 2024 , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Co-Chair of the Special Session on Security & Trust in Radio Access Networks organized under the 14th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing- CSNDSP 2024, July 2024, Rome, Italy.
Chair of the 5th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 5.0 (IoTI5 2023) organized in conjunction with the IEEE 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems and the Internet of Things (IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2023), June 19-21 2023, Pafos, Cyprus.
Chair of the 4th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0 (IoTI4 2022) organized in conjunction with the IEEE 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2022), May 30 - June 1, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Co-Chair of the Special Session on UAV Communications: Energy Efficiency, Resource Management and Security organized under the 13th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing- CSNDSP 2022, July 2022, Porto, Portugal.
Chair of the 3rd International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0 (IoTI4 2021) organized in conjunction with the IEEE 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2021), June 7-9 2021, Corel Bay, Pafos, Cyprus.
Poster and Demo Chair of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2021), June 7-9 2021, Corel Bay, Pafos, Cyprus. CFP
Chair of the 2nd International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0 (IoTI4 2020) organized in conjunction with the IEEE 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2020), May 2020, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Co-Chair of the Special Session on Recent Advances in Flying Ad hoc Networks organized under the 12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing- CSNDSP 2020, July 2020, Porto, Portugal.
Chair of the International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0 (IoTI4 2019) organized in conjunction with the IEEE 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2019), May 2019, Santorini, Greece.
Chair of the 12th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference, Chair in ICT@DSC track: Information and Communication Technologies, May 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chair of SOAComm: 2nd International Workshop on Self Organized Adaptive Communications in conjunction with 8th International Conference of Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2017), August 2017, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Chair of SOAComm: 1st International Workshop on Self Organized Adaptive Communications in conjunction with 6th International Conference of Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2016), July 2016, Chalkidiki, Greece.
Co-Chair of the 10th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference, Chair in ICT@DSC track: Information and Communication Technologies, September 17-18 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Co-Chair of the 9th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference, Chair in RESEARCH TRACK 2: Information and Communication Technologies, September 25 - 26 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chair of the ADCONET: ADvances in COgnitive NETworks – Awareness, Adaptation, Intelligence and Learning in Communication Networks and Systems του 5th International Conference of Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2014), Chania, Greece, July 2014.
Session Chair of the 8th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference, RESEARCH TRACK 2: Information and Communication Technologies, September 16 - 17 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Co-Chair of the 7th Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference, RESEARCH TRACK 2: Information and Communication Technologies, September 24 - 25 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chair of the session IEEE 802.16 / WiMAX Networks of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’11), June-July 2011, Corfu, Greece.
Publicity chair of the Sixth IEEE Workshop on multiMedia Applications over Wireless Networks (MediaWiN 2011) in conjunction with the Sixteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2011), June 2011, Corfu, Greece.
Chair of the Special Session “QPWSN – QoS Provision in Wireless Sensor Networks” in conjunction with the IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2010, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.
Chair of the Special Session “QPWN - QoS Provision in Wireless Networks” in conjunction with the ICST 2nd International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (Mobilight 2010), May 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Publicity chair for the ICST 2nd International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (Mobilight 2010), May 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Chair of the Special Session “QoS Provision in Wireless Networks” in conjunction with the ICST 1st International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (Mobilight 2009), May 2009, Athens, Greece.
Συμμετοχές σε Χρηματοδοτούμενα Ερευνητικά Προγράμματα
Drones4GREEN (Drones for GREEn iNdustry) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2022-2025) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Technical Manager}
NANCY (An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution) - Horizon Europe (2023-2025) {Project Scientific Coordinator}
TALON (auTonomous and self-organizing Artificial inteLligence Orchestrator for green iNdustry 4.0) - Horizon Europe (2022-2025) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Scientific Coordinator}
ELECTRON (rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid) - H2020 (2021-2024) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Scientific Coordinator}
INCIDENCE (promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2021-2023) {Departmental Principal Investigator}
eROBSON (Educational Robotics at Schools Online with Augmented Reality) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2021-2023) {Researcher}
Τ4Ε (Accelerated teacher training in distance education) - NSRF (2021-2022) {Researcher}
TERMINET (nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT) - H2020 (2020-2023) {Researcher}
SmartROOT (Smart faRming innOvatiOn Training) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2020-2023) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Technical Manager}
JAUNTY (Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2020-2023) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Technical Manager}
SDN-microSENSE (SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm) - H2020 (2019-2022) {Researcher}
FuseGI (Cooperation for fusing skills on Cloud-based Open GeoInformatics: Innovative Environmental Management) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2019-2022) {Researcher}
ARRANGE-ICT (pArtneRship foR AddressiNG mEgatrends in ICT) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2018-2020) {Project Technical Manager}
MEDVISION (Production of a cost-effective wireless health monitoring system using AI and robotics) - National Strategic Reference Framework O.P. (2012-2015) {Project Principal Investigator}
Επίβλεψη Διδακτορικών
Αν έχετε ισχυρό ακαδημαϊκό προφίλ και ενδιαφέρεστε να εκπονήσετε Διδακτορική διατριβή υπό την επίβλεψή μου, μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μέσω e-mail (tlagkas@cs.ihu.gr)
Χρήστος Δαλαμάγκας (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): “Τεχνικές Προγραμματιζόμενων Δικτύων για Ενορχήστρωση και Προστασία Συστημάτων του Βιομηχανικού Διαδικτύου των Πραγμάτων” (12/2023 - εν εξελίξει)
Σοφία Γιαννακίδου (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): “Τεχνικές Κατανομής Πόρων σε Δίκτυα Ασύρματης Πρόσβασης 6ης Γενιάς” (4/2022 - εν εξελίξει)
Κωνσταντίνος Βουλγαρίδης (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): “Αρχές πληθοπορισμού βασισμένες σε τεχνολογίες IoT και χαρακτηριστικά Κυκλικής Οικονομίας” (11/2021 - εν εξελίξει)
Γεώργιος Αμπόνης (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): “Διαστρωματικές τεχνικές για αδόμητα ΙοΤ δίκτυα μη-επανδρωμένων εναέριων οχημάτων με έμφαση στην αποτελεσματική δρομολόγηση” (4/2021 - εν εξελίξει)
Γεώργιος Φεύγας (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): “Ανάπτυξη μεθόδων εύρεσης βιοτικού και αβιοτικού στρες σε καλλιέργειες σε πραγματικό χρόνο με αισθητήρες τηλεπισκόπησης μέσω δικτύων 5ης γενιάς και τεχνικές Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης” (4/2021 - εν εξελίξει)
Ioannis Spyridis (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK): “Efficient Control of Drones Communications in IoT” (10/2018 - 2024 ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΘΗΚΕ)
Anastasios Lytos (Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield, UK): “Argumentation Mining in Social Media Using Machine Learning Techniques” (11/2017 - 2022 ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΘΗΚΕ)
Adelina Basholli (Information School, The University of Sheffield, UK): “Wireless Monitoring Systems for enhancing health services in developing regions" (11/2013 - 2022 ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΘΗΚΕ)
Συμμετοχές σε συμβουλευτικές επιτροπές εκπόνησης διδακτορικής διατριβής
Δημήτριος Μαυροματίδης (Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας): «Λήψη αποφάσεων σε κυβερνητικές υποδομές στο διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων» (11/2023 – εν εξελίξει)
Γεωργία Πασόη (Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας): «Αναλυτική πρόβλεψης για δεδομένα χρονοσειρών με χρήση αλγορίθμων μηχανικής μάθησης» (6/2023 – εν εξελίξει)
Γεώργιος Κορομπίλης (Τμήμα Φυσικής, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης): «Μελέτη και βελτιστοποίηση τηλεπικοινωνιακών συστημάτων για την 5η και την επόμενη γενιά επικοινωνιών» (4/2023 – εν εξελίξει)
Πέτρος Αμανατίδης (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): «Μεθοδολογίες βέλτιστης διαχείρισης δεδομένων και πόρων στο Edge Computing» (11/2021 – εν εξελίξει)
Χρήστος Χασχατζής (Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας): «Ανάπτυξη Τεχνολογιών του Διαδικτύου των Πραγμάτων σε Εφαρμογές Γεωργίας Ακριβείας» (12/2021 – εν εξελίξει)
Δημήτριος Χατζηαμανέτογλου (Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος): «Ανάλυση, διαχείριση και διάχυση πληροφοριών κυβερνοαπειλών με χρήση τεχνολογίας blockchain για επίτευξη κοινής επιχειρησιακής επίγνωσης κατάστασης» (12/2020 – εν εξελίξει)
Βασιλική Κέλλη (Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας): «Διαστρωματική Σχεδίαση και Βελτιστοποίηση του Διαδικτύου των Πραγμάτων Νέας Γενιάς με τη Χρήση Μηχανικής Μάθησης – Cross-layer Design and Optimization of Next Generation Internet of Things Using Machine Learning» (11/2020 – εν εξελίξει)
Αθανάσιος Λιατίφης (Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας): «Διαχείριση Κίνησης σε Δίκτυα Καθορισμένα από Λογισμικό – Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks» (11/2020 – εν εξελίξει)
Συμμετοχές σε εξεταστικές επιτροπές ολοκλήρωσης διδακτορικής διατριβής
Παναγιώτης Ράδογλου – Γραμματίκης (Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας): «Ασφάλεια και ιδιωτικότητα στο διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων» (2/2023)
Δημήτριος Πλιάτσιος (Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας): «Επικοινωνίες Μηχανή προς Μηχανή σε Κυψελωτά Δίκτυα» (6/2022)