Thomas Lagkas


Dr. Thomas D. Lagkas

Biographic Information


Thomas D. Lagkas is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the Democritus University of Thrace and Director of the Laboratory of Industrial and Educational Embedded Systems. He has been Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer at the Computer Science Department of the International Faculty of The University of Sheffield from 2012 to 2019. He also served as Departmental Research Director and Leader of the ICT Track of the South-East European Research Centre. Furthermore, he has been Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia from 2007 to 2013. Moreover, he has been Laboratory and then Scientific Associate at the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki from 2004 to 2012. From 2000 until 2006, he also worked as Programmer undertaking related projects as free lancer.

Teaching Experience - In overall, Thomas D. Lagkas has more than 17 years of (autonomous) teaching experience, delivering numerous ICT courses, focusing on the wider areas of computer networks and mathematics.


In 2002, he graduated with honors from the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and he was awarded PhD on Wireless Networks from the same Department in 2006. He has been scholar of the Aristotle University Research Committee, as well as postdoctoral scholar of the National Scholarships Institute of Greece. In 2012, he completed his MBA studies at the Hellenic Open University, and he received a postgraduate certificate on Teaching and Learning from The University of Sheffield in 2017 . 

Research Interests

Thomas D. Lagkas is included in the list of the University of Stanford of the top 2% of scientists worldwide in year 2022.

His research interests are in the areas of IoT communications and distributed architectures, communication security, wireless and optical communication networks, QoS in medium access control, mobile multimedia communications, power saving and fairness for resource allocation in sensor-cooperative networks as well as in hybrid Fiber-Wireless networks, e-health data monitoring, 5G and beyond systems, AI-based and analytical optimization techniques, smart farming and smart grid applications, flying ad hoc networks, and computer-based educational technologies with more than 150 publications (and over 3000 citations) at a number of widely recognized international scientific journals and conferences. Dr. Lagkas is IEEE Senior Member and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in UK. He has also participated in the Editorial Boards of the IEEE IoT Journal, the Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, the Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal, the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (published by Springer), and the MDPI Telecom Journal. Moreover, he actively participates in drafting research funding proposals, as well as in the implementation of the corresponding EU projects (namely, ENACT, Drones4GREEN, NANCY, TALON, ELECTRON, TERMINET, SDN-microSENSE, INCIDENCE, eROBSON, SmartROOT, JAUNTY, FuseGI, ARRANGE-ICT, et al.) 

Scientific Publications

Papers Published in International Scientific Peer-Reviewed Journals:

Papers Published in International Scientific Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings:

Other authoring activity 

Book chapters:


Public media articles:

Best Paper Awards

Editorial Activities

Guest Editorials

Editorial Board Memberships

Book Editorials

Co-edited Textbooks

Chairing Activities

Participation in Funded Research Projects

Drones4GREEN (Drones for GREEn iNdustry) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2022-2025) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Technical Manager}

NANCY (An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution) - Horizon Europe (2023-2025) {Project Scientific Coordinator}

TALON (auTonomous and self-organizing Artificial inteLligence Orchestrator for green iNdustry 4.0) - Horizon Europe (2022-2025) {Departmental Principal Investigator}

ELECTRON (rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid) - H2020 (2021-2024) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Scientific Coordinator}

INCIDENCE (promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2021-2023) {Departmental Principal Investigator}

eROBSON (Educational Robotics at Schools Online with Augmented Reality) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2021-2023) {Researcher}

Τ4Ε (Accelerated teacher training in distance education) - NSRF (2021-2022) {Researcher}

TERMINET (nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT) - H2020 (2020-2023) {Researcher}

SmartROOT (Smart faRming innOvatiOn Training) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2020-2023) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Technical Manager}

JAUNTY (Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2020-2023) {Departmental Principal Investigator / Project Technical Manager}

SDN-microSENSE (SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm) - H2020 (2019-2022) {Researcher}

FuseGI (Cooperation for fusing skills on Cloud-based Open GeoInformatics: Innovative Environmental Management) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2019-2022) {Researcher}

ARRANGE-ICT (pArtneRship foR AddressiNG mEgatrends in ICT) - Erasmus+ KA2 (2018-2020) {Project Technical Manager} 

MEDVISION (Production of a cost-effective wireless health monitoring system using AI and robotics) - National Strategic Reference Framework O.P. (2012-2015)  {Project Principal Investigator}

PhD Supervisions

If you have a strong academic profile and you are interested in pursuing a PhD under my supervision, you may contact me via e-mail (



Participation in PhD advisory committees

Participation in PhD examination committees